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Whether you have your paperwork already written, or whether your order of a writing assignment is being performed by one of our experts - you can always rely on a professional editing and proofreading afterward. Don`t forget to include the service during the order placement.

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Your Great Ideas + Our Editing And Proofreading = an Amazing Paper

You have great ideas. You might even be a really great writer. Still, chances are your work can benefit from our editing and proofreading services. Think about it like this. Check out the New York Times Best Seller List. You’ll probably see authors on that list who have been writing for decades. These are folks who sell tens of thousands of books. Guess what! Nearly 100% of them rely on the help of proofreaders and editors to ensure that their writing is as error free and readable as possible.

We can do the same for your academic writing, business related documents, even your resumes and CV. We offer editing and proofreading services as standalone offerings, or you can bundle them in when you place an order for writing services.

Ultimately, our goal is to help you become a better writer, by taking your already good work and polishing it up for you. This way, you can feel even better about submitting your essays and other papers to your instructors.

Learning The Difference Between Proofreading And Editing

Many people don’t realize that there is a significant difference between proofreading and editing. Proofreading is the process of checking a final draft (after the editing process) for typos, misspellings, grammatical errors, and incorrect use of idioms and other regional languages.

Editing relates more to clarity, style, and flow. An editor will modify content so that it makes more sense, and is readable. A good editor will make sure your document is clear and concise. However, at Essay State, our editors will ensure that any changes made stay within the requirements of your paper. Finally, there is another role for the editor. That is copy editing. This is where we ensure that your document follows the stylistic guidelines of the citation format you have chosen.

Why Should Students Use Editing And Proofreading Services

There are several scenarios where we highly recommend using our editing and proofreading services. Here are just a few examples.

  • You’re using a citation format that’s unfamiliar to you
  • It’s an especially important assignment or your instructor is a very difficult grader
  • Your audience is unfamiliar to you.
  • You don’t fully understand the subject matter.
  • You aren’t a native English speaker.
  • You lack confidence in your writing skills.

Basically, if you want a well-trained set of eyes to go over your paper, we will be happy to help.

How to Order Our Services

There are two ways that we offer editing and proofreading services. First, you can order them as separate standalone services. Just click the link to place an under. Then, when it comes time to select the type of service you want, just pick editing or proofreading. You’ll be asked the type of document you want edited or proofread. For example, you might select an essay or research paper. After that, you’ll be asked to fill in some other information, and you’ll be able to upload your document.

Your second option is to place an order for writing services. Then, as you are filling out the information, you can check the box to have your document proofread by an editor. This means that an additional level of checking will be done to ensure your paper is just right.

It’s Definitely Worth It!

You may be wondering if editing and proofreading are worth the extra expense. We’re here to tell you that they absolutely can be. That doesn’t mean you should send in every paper you write for proofreading and editing. For most students, that isn’t necessary. However, when you’ve got an important assignment on the line, these extra services can really help. Also, if you’re overall class grade is just a few points below where you would like it to be, remember that good editing and proofreading can turn a B+ paper into an A paper.

Introducing Our QA Team

Proofreading and editing are functions that are performed by members of our Quality Assurance team. These are writers who have proven they are detail oriented and talented enough to both double check your work as well as double check the work of our own writers. Like every other writer, proofreaders and editors are native English speakers with advanced degrees. They’ve simply been selected because they have earned these positions through hard work and talent.

Let us Perfect That Paper Today!

Some situations demand that you go the extra mile.  You simply have to deliver at a level that is above and beyond. We are here to help you do that. Order proofreading and editing services today. We will ensure that you have a paper that is accurate, readable, and free of errors.

Let`s get started!