Diseases of Digestive Tract

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Diseases of Digestive Tract

Streptococcus mutans, Helicobacter pylori, E. coli, Staphylococcus aureus and Taenia solium have different ways of affecting human organism, though all of them hit only digestive system. Streptococcus mutans is the bacteria responsible for causing dental caries and can be found in oral cavity. This bacterium metabolizes sucrose and lactic acid to develop acid environment in the mouth. It has receptors to improve the process of binding to the teeth. The combination of lactic acid and plaque trigger teeth decay. To survive, this bacterium has to thrive in the aggressive acid environment. Helicobacter pylorus affects stomach leading to gastritis, inflammation, and ulcer. It produces proteases, vacuolating cytotoxin and somephospholipases which are toxic for the epithelial cells. So as Streptococcus mutans, this bacterium has to survive in the acid environment of the stomach. Helicobacter pylorus promotes cancer as well. Staphylococcus aureus is the bacterium that causes multiple infections in the organism. To cause infection it develops protein toxins, while producing cell-surface proteins which connect to antibodies and destroy them. Taenia solium is the cestode contained in the meat products. Contaminating body oncospheres derive in the intestine, and go to striated muscles, the brain, liver, producing cysticerci. E. coli heats stable enterotoxin in the human colonic cell line. Its pathogenic type triggers severe diarrhea and problems in the digestive tract.

 Encystation is the process of forming a cyst or becoming enclosed in a capsule. Cysts have distinct membrane and division on the nearby tissue. The term excystation is means the removal or escape from a cyst or envelope. This term is used in the life cycle of a parasite to refer to the stage that occurs after the cystic form has been swallowed by the host. Normal flora of the digestive tract in the healthy condition cannot contain any pathogenic microorganisms. It is full of bacteria which assist the human digestive tract in various functions. However, due to unhealthy diet, serious diseases, or poor hygiene, a person can easily catch pathogenic microorganisms and parasites. The last reason is the main issue as the microbes can be put into the digestive system with the improper washed hands or food. The temperature of processing the food is also one of the most important in the hygiene. As scholars insist, almost half of the U.S. citizens are hit by the Helicobacter pylorus causing numerous negative influences towards human’s organism. All the bacteria causing the diseases in the digestive tract are coming through the mouth with the food or poor hygiene. Not brushing the teeth in time, not washing fruits or vegetables, not processing the food properly will result in catching some of the enlisted bacteria. As some of them have the ability to form cysts, the aftermath can be tragic and lead to lethal accidents. As the results show, the most pathogenic forms of E.coli can cause death as well. Catching these bacteria mean to be responsible for each of them. As people have to be aware and apply precautions before eating unprocessed or unwashed products, or not washing the hands regularly. 

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